#BlogElul Elul 9 – “Observe”

What can we see when we change our focus?   

Imagine how our world can change when we change the way we look at the world.


What do you see when you look through the spyglasses?

What do you see when you look through the spyglasses?

This is in the center.

This is the flower arrangement in the center.

Spin the bowl.

Spin the bowl,

Spin it faster.

spin it faster,

Look through the eye hole,

look through the eye hole,

it's a kaleidoscope!

it’s a kaleidoscope!

About wallcough

Trying to find beauty and joy in the world around me . I am many things, among them a quilter, a knitter, and an incessant reader. There is not enough time for them all, so I jump in between them as the mood hits me. Professionally - a rabbi; a hospice chaplain.
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